Saturday, February 12, 2011

Up"Pitt" from the date

There is a thaw taking place here in the "Pitt" and that could mean Spring just might be possible. Let's see...what has been going on...

Well, there is just a hint that people are coming out of their economic cocoon and actually participating in the buying and selling of homes here in the Triangle. We are quite busy working with great people and having fun.

The Tar Heels have started playing real basketball with the departure of Larry Drew the spoiled, and there is excitement once again in Chapel Hill. Though they lost to Duke last Wednesday, they played very well and led for most of the game. Bruz, Diana, Pat, and I went to our newest favorite bar, Kildare's, to cheer and watch the game. Not only were we screaming the loudest, but we were the oldest. Sorry Em, maybe no one you know was there.

The newly elected Republican Chatham County Commissioners have cancelled the Pittsboro to Chapel Hill bus. Whatever it takes to keep "socialism" from creeping into the "Pitt". I feel sure there will be talk of building a wall at the Haw River before it's all over.

Brink has moved yet again. We escaped THE Storm and traffic fiasco in DC by about an hour driving south as fast as we could. SHE drove the truck this time and Millie and I drove the car. Where? Atlanta. Darling Condo on Peachtree. No horror stories this time.

Katrina and I are still jogging. I am sure the neighborhood has positioned people to watch for us, phones in hand to dial 911 in case we pass out on the streets of Chatham Forest. Haven't seen my friend Archie Cross in sometime, sure hope he is okay.