Greetings from Pittsboro! As some of you might know, Pat and I have made our escape from the suburban sprawl of North Atlanta and have relocated to a quirky little town in North Carolina called Pittsboro. We are about 20 miles from Chapel Hill down the infamous highway 15-501. I decided to start a blog to keep everyone up-to-date on our adventures in the "Pitt", as we fondly refer to our new haven.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Come on Georgia
Georgia is slipping off the "maybe" status for Obama. Get out and get people to the polls. Call the secretary of state's office....tell them to extend voting!!!!!! The Chambliss-Martin contest is looking good. Most are putting Chambliss a bit ahead but I do not think they are taking the undecideds into account. There is evidently a significant number of African/American voters who are undecided in the GA Senate race. This race is a tie!!!!! Get out the vote for Martin.
Great site check it out
Great site check it out
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Obama speaking to crowd of 28,000!
Pat, Emily, Jane, and Diana (sister-in-law) went to see Obama....very cold! Tons of people, we were packed in like sardines. It is unbelievable how great everyone was. Hope was alive!
Protectors everywhere to make sure nothing happened. Three people fainted near us and people were right there to help.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Real Estate?
Oh yeah, we did get our real estate licenses and joined Coldwell Banker, Howard Perry & Walston. I almost forgot...we do have to make a living. Having too much fun with everything. Anyway if any of you know ANYONE who is even thinking about buying or selling let us know or better yet give them our info (not to be confused with pittfo). Even if the person you know is in Atlanta ,or anywhere on Earth, we can refer them through our referral department.
Our company is fantastic and the people are really nice. You can visit my site at and the company site at
Our company is fantastic and the people are really nice. You can visit my site at and the company site at
Sunday, October 26, 2008
What is "real America"?
Everyone must read Frank Rich in the NYT today. It is an excellent article. (click on link below)
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Campaigning for Bev Perdue
Late Night With Roy!!!
Biden in Raleigh
Pat, Emily, her roomate and I went to Meredith College in Raleigh to see Joe Biden. It was was unbelievable. When we finally got in wouldn't you know it, we were behind 5 very tall republican guys from NC State. They worried me when they kept talking about how Obama was going to be shot. I told them I was with the Secret Service but I don't think they believed me. What do you think?
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Those of you who sat at lunch at Milton know how I love to make predictions...and sometimes they are right. Well here are some for this historic election......
OBAMA WILL WIN!! He will carry NC and stepping out on a real thin limb I am going to give GEORGIA to Obama as well (now stop laughing...I'm sticking with it) Virginia for sure (10 pt spread now).
The Dems will end up with over 60 in the Senate with Mitch McConnell in Kentucky, Elizabeth Dole in NC, and Chambliss in GA going down. I will add some others later.
The House will see huge gains.... 25-30!!!!! Michelle Bauchmann in Minn. a sure bet last week will be defeated, Hayes NC 08 sure bet but now on the outs.
Obama and Biden must stay calm, not say anything stupid and stand up to attacks.
I will update this post as I come up with other outrageous prognostications 10/24...It is going to be a 1964 blowout!!!!!!
UPDATE.... 10/27 With Ted Stevens being convicted on 7 counts I can now see Alaska going Dem in the Senate. The major newspaper in Anchorage has endorsed Obama, but the state will stick with McCain. Al Franken will beat Norm Coleman in Minn. Musgrove in Miss. will beat republican Sen. Wicker. My predictions above still hold...its going to be tight but I am not backing down.
Obama is coming to Raleigh Wednesday and we will be there. We were there!!!!
Update...GA does not look good right now, 10/30. Karen Handel (sec of state) will not keep polls open. She is very partisan and based on the type of campaign she ran (very negative robo calls bashing liberals) she is doing everything in her power to keep GA red. Call her office contact the AJC do whatever it takes to get her to change policy. Remember Martin or Chambliss must get a majority to win....a runoff would not be good. Vote! Democrats cannot get what needs to be done unless they have a filibuster proof senate....60 dems.
Another update 10/30 6:20 pm the big story in this election other than massive voter turnout will be the number of suburban voters who vote for the dems. They will be the soccer moms of 2008
OBAMA WILL WIN!! He will carry NC and stepping out on a real thin limb I am going to give GEORGIA to Obama as well (now stop laughing...I'm sticking with it) Virginia for sure (10 pt spread now).
The Dems will end up with over 60 in the Senate with Mitch McConnell in Kentucky, Elizabeth Dole in NC, and Chambliss in GA going down. I will add some others later.
The House will see huge gains.... 25-30!!!!! Michelle Bauchmann in Minn. a sure bet last week will be defeated, Hayes NC 08 sure bet but now on the outs.
Obama and Biden must stay calm, not say anything stupid and stand up to attacks.
I will update this post as I come up with other outrageous prognostications 10/24...It is going to be a 1964 blowout!!!!!!
UPDATE.... 10/27 With Ted Stevens being convicted on 7 counts I can now see Alaska going Dem in the Senate. The major newspaper in Anchorage has endorsed Obama, but the state will stick with McCain. Al Franken will beat Norm Coleman in Minn. Musgrove in Miss. will beat republican Sen. Wicker. My predictions above still hold...its going to be tight but I am not backing down.
Obama is coming to Raleigh Wednesday and we will be there. We were there!!!!
Update...GA does not look good right now, 10/30. Karen Handel (sec of state) will not keep polls open. She is very partisan and based on the type of campaign she ran (very negative robo calls bashing liberals) she is doing everything in her power to keep GA red. Call her office contact the AJC do whatever it takes to get her to change policy. Remember Martin or Chambliss must get a majority to win....a runoff would not be good. Vote! Democrats cannot get what needs to be done unless they have a filibuster proof senate....60 dems.
Another update 10/30 6:20 pm the big story in this election other than massive voter turnout will be the number of suburban voters who vote for the dems. They will be the soccer moms of 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
How did we get here and why Obama must win
Our country and all that we hold dear is at stake in this election. The United States has fallen from a position of power in the world. We have squandered our good will and moral leadership. For the past eight years the Bush administration has taken us back to the 19th Century and we allowed it to happen with our complacency. We sat silently while an election was stolen in Florida (yes, it WAS stolen!!!!), we allowed incompetent political hacks to be appointed to positions of power, we watched while the OIL, MINING, PHARMACUTICAL, DEFENSE, and BANKING industries gained unprecedented access to the White House, and for all practical purposes took control of the economy of this country. We blindly followed Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, et al into a war that should not have been. We did not demand information, we did not attempt to understand the history, and did not seem to flinch when our constitutional rights were eroded, and as long as it did not affect our lives we let it continue. This must come to an end...we must take control and get our country back.
We entered the 20th Century with an out of control free market economy where there were no income taxes, no minimum wage, no workmen's compensation, no child labor laws, no laws to oversee the manufacture of drugs or food, no workplace safety laws, no social security, no central banking regulations, no collective bargaining, no laws to prevent monopolies, no consumer protection, no social safety net at all. The laissez-faire economy that existed at the turn of the century had spawned economic inequities that could be compared to pre-revolutionary France. Americans died from contaminated food, workers demanding humane conditions and fair wages were killed by private armies hired by companies, children and women worked long hours in squalid conditions, wealth was controlled by a handfull of individuals, a few large companies and the MEN who owned them controlled all aspects of American society.
By 1901 progressive politicians from both parties realized that things had to change, hence the Progressive Movement. Congress passed laws that were meant to control the out of control laissez-faire economic sytem. Progressive income tax, the Food and Drug Administration, the Federal Trade Commission, The Federal Reserve System, the stengthening of the Intersate Commission, were all created by Congress to reign in the economic excesses. Government began to be a steward rather than a bystander. Unfortunately the Supreme Court was not on the same page and eroded many of the gains, and the Presidency was taken over by the last gasp of laissez-faire Harding, Coolidge and Hoover. These Presidents were certainly not Teddy Roosevelt or Woodrow Wilson. The 1920's saw government ignore most of the changes that had taken place. Business once again took the driver's seat and drove the country into a DEPRESSION.
When FDR assumed the Presidency in 1932 the relationship between government and the American people changed forever. The Progressive reforms mentioned earlier were resurrected and as the New Deal progressed the Congress took measures to put the government in control of the economy. Banks were closed and allowed to open only when solvent, the Glass-Steagall act reformed banking and established regulations to avoid the co-mingling of commercial banking and investment banking. The FED was strengthened, the Securities and Exchange Commission would regulate the stock market, jobs were created, Social Security implemented, minimum wage and hour laws passed, labor gained the right to bargain collectively. Government became a regulator to correct the abuses of greedy men, not to enhance the power of politicians.
Conservative Republicans resented the New Deal reforms and tried to overturn them but to no avail. Our economy prospered and grew with American citizens protected against economic abuses. But under the radar, conservatives were bringing laissez-faire economics back to life. Their dream came true with the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980. Reagan brought to Washington young conservatives who did not believe in the regulatory function of government. They worshipped the "invisible hand" of the market and believed it was the way to ensure prosperity. People were put in regulatory agencies to erode power.
As we moved to the end of the 20th Century these young deregulators aged and gained more power, many Democrats drank the koolaid and jumped on the bandwagon. Glass-Steagall was repealed, the SEC, FDA, FTC, ICC, FCC all were neutered. The illegitimate 2000 election put the last nail in the regulatory coffin. Bush's election placed corporations once again in control. Regulatory agencies became arms of the industries they were supposed to regulate. We have come full circle...back to the good old days of the 1890's People were no longer important. Corporate profits were all that mattered. This is where we find ourselves at this moment in history. I have only addressed the economy in this entry. Our position in the world has eroded, our country is so polarized that we no longer have political dialogue without screaming. We can either flounder or we can move forward in a positive way. Obama is the future. He understands where we need to go. He may not have been "at the Cuban Missle Crisis" but he will know where to take us if there is a crisis. He will bring to Washington people who care...people who see government as a protector. We must have faith that things will get better. OBAMA for President of the United States.
We entered the 20th Century with an out of control free market economy where there were no income taxes, no minimum wage, no workmen's compensation, no child labor laws, no laws to oversee the manufacture of drugs or food, no workplace safety laws, no social security, no central banking regulations, no collective bargaining, no laws to prevent monopolies, no consumer protection, no social safety net at all. The laissez-faire economy that existed at the turn of the century had spawned economic inequities that could be compared to pre-revolutionary France. Americans died from contaminated food, workers demanding humane conditions and fair wages were killed by private armies hired by companies, children and women worked long hours in squalid conditions, wealth was controlled by a handfull of individuals, a few large companies and the MEN who owned them controlled all aspects of American society.
By 1901 progressive politicians from both parties realized that things had to change, hence the Progressive Movement. Congress passed laws that were meant to control the out of control laissez-faire economic sytem. Progressive income tax, the Food and Drug Administration, the Federal Trade Commission, The Federal Reserve System, the stengthening of the Intersate Commission, were all created by Congress to reign in the economic excesses. Government began to be a steward rather than a bystander. Unfortunately the Supreme Court was not on the same page and eroded many of the gains, and the Presidency was taken over by the last gasp of laissez-faire Harding, Coolidge and Hoover. These Presidents were certainly not Teddy Roosevelt or Woodrow Wilson. The 1920's saw government ignore most of the changes that had taken place. Business once again took the driver's seat and drove the country into a DEPRESSION.
When FDR assumed the Presidency in 1932 the relationship between government and the American people changed forever. The Progressive reforms mentioned earlier were resurrected and as the New Deal progressed the Congress took measures to put the government in control of the economy. Banks were closed and allowed to open only when solvent, the Glass-Steagall act reformed banking and established regulations to avoid the co-mingling of commercial banking and investment banking. The FED was strengthened, the Securities and Exchange Commission would regulate the stock market, jobs were created, Social Security implemented, minimum wage and hour laws passed, labor gained the right to bargain collectively. Government became a regulator to correct the abuses of greedy men, not to enhance the power of politicians.
Conservative Republicans resented the New Deal reforms and tried to overturn them but to no avail. Our economy prospered and grew with American citizens protected against economic abuses. But under the radar, conservatives were bringing laissez-faire economics back to life. Their dream came true with the election of Ronald Reagan in 1980. Reagan brought to Washington young conservatives who did not believe in the regulatory function of government. They worshipped the "invisible hand" of the market and believed it was the way to ensure prosperity. People were put in regulatory agencies to erode power.
As we moved to the end of the 20th Century these young deregulators aged and gained more power, many Democrats drank the koolaid and jumped on the bandwagon. Glass-Steagall was repealed, the SEC, FDA, FTC, ICC, FCC all were neutered. The illegitimate 2000 election put the last nail in the regulatory coffin. Bush's election placed corporations once again in control. Regulatory agencies became arms of the industries they were supposed to regulate. We have come full circle...back to the good old days of the 1890's People were no longer important. Corporate profits were all that mattered. This is where we find ourselves at this moment in history. I have only addressed the economy in this entry. Our position in the world has eroded, our country is so polarized that we no longer have political dialogue without screaming. We can either flounder or we can move forward in a positive way. Obama is the future. He understands where we need to go. He may not have been "at the Cuban Missle Crisis" but he will know where to take us if there is a crisis. He will bring to Washington people who care...people who see government as a protector. We must have faith that things will get better. OBAMA for President of the United States.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
THE State Fair
Pat, Jane & Brinkley went to the North Carolina State Fair...We rode the Tilt-o-Whirl, the Ferris Wheel with McCain supporters (testy), and other ones that went in wild circles leaving us without memories.
The animals were wonderful and beautiful but funny thing...they had all been bought by Harris Teeter!
This goat had climbed all the way up 3 bales of hay and was bleeting at the top of his goat lungs - he had quite an audience.
Some kind of pumpkins!
The blue ribbon watermelon
Brinkley and me in front of the prize winning produce - how bout them apples?
James Taylor for OBAMA
Monday, October 20, 2008
Around the "Pitt"
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