Saturday, October 25, 2008

Campaigning for Bev Perdue

Pittsboro is a political Mecca!!!! Everyone seems to be involved.

Street Fair in Pittsboro....passing out Bev Perdue stickers and meeting all of the politicos.

Democrats in Chatham County!!!!

Lexington, NC Barbeque Festival...lots of people but hard to find Perdue supporters.

Brinkley and I went to Lexington, NC to campaign for Bev Perdue. She is the Democratic candidate for governor of NC. As of 10/25 she is a point ahead in the polls. There are no words for what we encountered at the barbeque festival!!!! We'll talk about it after the election.

1 comment:

CKJurick said...

I know a Perdue supporter in Lexington, NC. Her name is Kathi Philpott. She's a huge Demo and a huge Tar Heel supporter!!!
She was Jo Ann's roommate in college.