Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I never thought I would be caught dead at...

GRACELAND! But there I was with Pat gawking at the "Jungle Room" and listening to the never ending Elvis recordings. After getting Emily settled we went to Memphis to spend the day before flying back to RDU. Did we really want to wallow in Elvis memories? Oh, why not. Expecting to see really weird people wearing sequined jumpsuits, we were very surprised at the "normal" appearance of the throngs braving the 103 degrees. Never having been a fan of "The King" I was rather complacent about the whole thing, but found myself appreciating the life and accomplishments of Elvis. There is no doubt that his existence is significant, not only musically but socially as well. The historian David Halberstam noted in his work The Fifties, that Elvis appearing on the Ed Sullivan Show and Brown v The Board of Education were the most significant social events of the 20th Century. There you have it....and the Seventies decor is really cool.

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