Saturday, November 17, 2012

Well, Mamie was furious! And so was IKE!

Blogger has gotten so sophisticated!  I have just realized that you can track the traffic to your blog and there was a HUGE spike to this little blog after the election. Wondering what the mad maniac had to say about the 2nd victory of Barack Obama were you? Well, I am not sure where to begin. The previous post was a facebook comment by a former student (from the 70's) and really gave me reason to pause. I wanted to be sure to capture the message...our first lady should be blond and white and all "ladies" should look like this. I saw this as sexist and racist and it infuriated me. What would Mamie think? After all, she was a beloved First Lady and does not look anything like the blond, plastic Ann Romney. If you look at the facebook post you should be a bit surprised at the females who agreed with Rusty none of which look anything like Ann. ?

This election brought out the worst in our society; hate, racism, ignorance, xenophobia to name just a few. Yes, Mamie is disgusted and Ike cannot believe what the Grand Old Party has become...more later.

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