Monday, December 12, 2016

There has been a coup

 Should someone who voted for Trump in 2016 be reading this you may wish to stop. You more than likely have not read anything except anti Hillary Facebook posts shared from The Federalist Papers, Townhall, Reddit, Breitbart, crazy right wing emails, Tweets and billboards in who knows how long. You most likely have disdain for any news other than Fox. You may claim that you vary your news sources and consider yourself well informed but think...are you? You know that you can't even think about CNN without cringing. It is difficult to understand why when you are faced with facts you discount them. You live in an echo chamber and you are to blame for what could be the end of our democratic system. Are you a bigot? Are you ignorant? Are you a fool? Are you a hypocrite? What are you? If you are a woman are you absolutely out of your mind? Do you have a secret desire to have your pussy grabbed by a man? What is it? I have tried to understand but I cannot. If you have had it rough because of the economy do you really think that this maniacal, autocratic madman is going to care about you. He has bilked millions, to use his hyperbole, of people like you. He sees you as nothing more than a vote. Don't belief it? You will. Four Goldman Sachs henchmen who contributed to the economic collapse and may have been responsible for your misfortune and they will be in this President's cabinet making policy. Do you own stock? Look at the stocks that are going up...big Pharma, banking, energy, any industry that will benefit from deregulation. Think that's a good thing?

This is an outcome that is not like any other. It is not a mandate for Trump, he did not win the popular vote even though he has inferred that he has. His electoral margin is the most narrow since 1976.

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