Tuesday, March 31, 2009


"A well regulated Militia, necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

How many people have got to be shot by a crazed individual who has easily obtained a gun and walked into a classroom building, assisted living facility, fast food restaurant, women's clinic, post office, any place. This morning another individual suggested that if the people in the Carthage Assisted Living Facility had been armed they could have protected themselves. This ridiculous "solution" has been suggested for teachers, students, everyone and would be feasible only if people had their gun loaded and ready at ALL times no matter where they were. For some reason I have a real hard time imagining elderly residents of a home packing heat in their wheelchairs and walkers. If these people could raise a weapon, aim, shoot, and hit a person who was not standing still, they probably would not be in the assisted living facility (unless there was someone to "assist" them in shooting).

And, oh by the way, the 2nd Amendment does not guarantee individuals the right to own a gun. Read it again. The press allows the gun lobby to yell and scream without being questioned every time one of these tragedies happens.

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