Sunday, July 5, 2009

Okay, everything I have ever said about Sarah is not half as bad as the truth. What could she possibly be thinking? If she is gravely ill or there is a major problem with yet another child her decision is somewhat justified, but to abandon an elected office is not normal. She has indicated that other people have left office early but only she is being criticized. I cannot think of a politician who announced 18 months before their term was up that they would not seek a second term and then leave because being a lame duck is a bad thing. Her action is extremely unusual in American politics. If her reasoning stands all lame ducks should just quit. Why didn't GW Bush just abandon the Presidency after he won in 2004, after all he was a lame duck. Issuing a statement (4 pages) threatening to take blogs and newspapers to court for spreading lies about her sounds like a middle school "mean girl". Does she not know that there is a First Amendment? Does she not realize that ALL politicians come under scrutiny? Does she not realize that when you start calling people terrorists and socialists and infer that they are somehow not real Americans that people are going to hit back? Did she just fall off a turnip truck?

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