Friday, July 24, 2009

Why there will be no real healthcare reform.

Most people (including myself) do not understand the issue and are not going to really try to get the real picture. Many, if not most, are simply going to repeat what they have heard from the echo chamber they exist in.

The media is influenced by big pharma, health insurance companies, and every organization that makes money off the current system. If you doubt this watch Fox, CNN, and MSNBC for any hour of any day and count the number of commercials that are health related. Do you think for a moment that they are reporting the real story when MOST of their revenue comes from the health industries. How much money do the proponents AND those who are quietly standing in the background letting reform fail get from the health care industry? No one reports that.

Those who are adversely affected by the current system are powerless...they only provide anecdotal cover for politicians who pretend to be working on reform.

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