Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Is there a dramatic misalignment of the planets????

I have tried not to think too hard about the current political situation due to the likelihood that my head would explode...but I cannot remain silent any longer. What in the hell is going on!!!??? Christine O'Donnell makes Sarah Palin look like a Rhodes Scholar. As Christine said to her opponent Chris Coons during the Senate debate in Delaware..."The First Amendment? Separation of church and state is in the First Amendment? The First Amendment"? She has claimed in every speech she has made that she is an expert on the Constitution and will make ALL her decisions as a Senator based on the Constitution. Who is this person? And more importantly who are the people who vote for her? She defeated an intelligent, rational Republican who would have represented the interests of Delaware in the Senate.

Joe Wilson, the Alaskan Republican candidate for the Senate, has a posse of thugs to "guard" him. A journalist was "arrested" by this posse at a public school where Wilson was hosting a town hall. The implication here is that a politician can have people who wish to ask questions of a candidate ARRESTED and detained...maybe in China, maybe in some banana republic, maybe in Iran. And , oh by the way, he thinks the East German solution to immigration/emigration problems during the Cold War (aka THE BERLIN WALL) is a great idea for the US to adopt.

Sharron Angle, Republican running against Harry Reid, told a group of young latinos that some of them looked Asian to her....huh?

People better wake up before election day or they could wake up on November 3rd and find the government turned over to border line maniacs.

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