Saturday, January 8, 2011

Road Trip!

Because it was my sweet Brink's birthday I made a little trip to DC to take her to dinner. We ate at a very interesting restaurant, 1905. It is located upstairs at 1905 Q Street. Excellent food and French music.

Friday morning Brinkley went to work and Millie and I headed out on our jaunt. Our route is to go down Cathedral Ave. to Wisconsin and head to Georgetown. We turn off onto 37th Street, take a left on R and cross back over Wisconsin. If you have read the Camel Club books this is the area where all the action takes place and the location of the graveyard that Oliver Stone lives in. Take a left on Q and head across Rock Creek Park over the bridge with the buffalo onto Sheridan Circle. Then we head back up Massachusetts; Embassy Row. Millie was a little wild but by the time we headed up the hill she became much more calm...then as we passed the Japanese Embassy, where there were 8 VIP cars and many people apparently waiting for someone, Millie decides to deposit the byproduct of her last meal. I did not want to look at all the well dressed and very important looking men (no women at the Japanese Embassy). I proceeded to pick it up with a plastic bag and we moved on. I later found out they were waiting for the Foreign Minister of Japan who was about to be transported to the White House. Way to go Mil!

I joined Brink for lunch in the Senate cafeteria and we sat at a table next to Senator Kent Conrad from North Dakota. I love Senate Navy Bean Soup and had some...along with Senate fried chicken. I got to tour Senator Landrieu's office and meet many of the people Brink works with. Headed back to NC....miss my babies.

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