Tuesday, January 18, 2011

I don't feel old, but I sure do remember some old things...

...My Nanny taking me shopping in downtown Richmond in the early 1950's on the bus. We would go to Thalheimer's to pick up their famous Seven Layer Chocolate Cake, then to Miller & Rhodes for the "white sale" (sheets, towels, and things). Our last stop would be lunch at the Tea Room in M & R; I would always order a turkey sandwich and a cherry drink. Our purchases were delivered to my Grandmother's house so we were unburdened as we walked out onto Broad Street to catch the bus back to Glenburnie. On one of these occasions I remember being rather annoyed as the bus pulled to a stop in front of us and asked my Grandmother why all the good seats (the ones in the back) were always gone by the time we got on. She did not respond.

...Getting to stay up late with my Mom to hear Bing Crosby on the Radio.

..."I Like IKE" campaign buttons in my parents' bedroom.

...Not having a television.

...The two girls who lived next door not being allowed to come out and play because their mother feared they would get polio.

...Making doll beds out of cigar boxes in Vacation Bible School at Monument Heights Baptist Church...every summer.

...Traveling across the country and there were no motels.

...Having measles and chicken pox.

...Going across the Pacific on a World War II battleship to Okinawa with a stop in Tokyo. My mind's eye sees only muddy streets; too close to the end of WWII.

...My first transistor radio.

...Being given a "Dance Card" upon entering my Ninth Grade Homecoming Dance.

...Wearing white gloves to church and of course parties.

...My 6th grade teacher having a "conniption fit" when someone used the word "queer".

...the day Buddy Holly, The Big Bopper, and Richie Valens died in a plane crash.

...Being obsessed with the Mickey Mouse Club and wanting to be Annette Funicello.

...Having 100 45's and being so proud...and not to forget the poster of Ricky Nelson on my bedroom wall.

...Thinking the "Iron Curtain" was a very high, gray, concrete wall that "god knows what" went on on the other side.

...Never owning a Barbie doll.

...Going to elementary school in barracks built during WWII with coal burning heaters. We got to take turns going out to get the coal.

...Getting to listen to the World Series EVERY year, in school, on the radio.

...Learning about Lapland in the 4th grade.


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