Monday, March 21, 2011

The bitter sweet of life...

Spring has sprung, the Tar Heels are in the Sweet Sixteen, and real estate is rockin' here in the Triangle.

We have been so busy of late and my usual "Pitt" activities have been set writing things on this blog. My garden is a mess and I am going to resort to hiring someone to get it "deleafed". How things lived through the frigid winter I do not know, but they are trying desperately to pop out of the ground. Frogs as big as small dogs inhabit the ponds which freaks me out a bit. (we do live near a nuclear power plant you know) I will not speak of the deer; just picture plants with nubs.

I have seen Archie Cross since the last Pitt report and he is fine. His chair was broken and it took forever to get it fixed. I had been really worried about him. He is such a positive presence in this world.

Of late my mind has not been able to escape constant thoughts of Emily's friend Jason and sweet Kate. Gentle spirits touched by death and illness. It is terribly difficult to grasp the reality of a child's death or their encounter with life altering illness. Godspeed Jason, and everyone will Kate well.

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