Sunday, March 4, 2012

And they didn't even leave the TV on!

So Pat and Jane leave yesterday afternoon to go to Chapel Hill and find a place to watch the Dook/Carolina game. The last one caused such a trauma with Rivers' (now referred to as Stream by Jane) final shot and I was really hoping that I would not have to listen to all the gnashing of teeth again. Now here is my gripe...Jane almost always leaves the television on when she leaves so I will not feel so alone; not this time. Just shut the thing off and go. I missed THE game. They come home screaming and yelling, whooping and making fun of the poor, pitiful performance that played out in Cameron Indoor by Dook. I just stared at them in disbelief with my beautiful brown eyes. Day after day I am left to endure the MSNBC drivel about the radicalization of the Republican Party, nothing but dark silence last night.

Thank goodness they were not the oldest people in Kildares again and evidently, if you believe them, their age group was fairly well represented on Franklin Street.

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