Saturday, March 3, 2012

Jane, you ignorant slut

Okay, you have to know that when screaming goes on I retreat to the landing on the stairs (I used to go upstairs and get under the bed, but noooo, there is now a gate that blocks me. Jane said she was sick of me butt skidding on the carpet up there), Evidently some cretin (not my word) has called a poor Georgetown law student a slut and a prostitute just because she wants her insurance company to pay for contraceptives. This unfortunate three day attack on the poor woman has ignited a major screaming fit in front of the TV. And that's not all, Jane is signing petitions, writing emails, and swearing to never use products that advertise on the cretin's radio show. Of course she has no idea what those products are because she never listens to the cretin.

By the way, I butt skidded behind the door in Jane and Pat's room the other day...put a gate on that lady.

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