Friday, May 22, 2009

Guantanamo is a symbol of American abuse, COSE IT

Cuba is only 90 miles from FLORIDA!!!! Why aren't people afraid that the Guantanamo detainees will escape, brave the Florida Strait, find their way to South Beach and wreck havoc with our way of life. Guantanamo is located on the coast and the security does not appear to be nearly as good as many of the maximum security facilities in the US. How many Cuban refugees have "escaped" and found their way here? This current argument regarding the detainees is ridiculous! It is distracting the Congress and the President from getting the real problems fixed

Why did we put people in Guantanamo to begin with? So we could do ANYTHING we wanted to do with them!!!!! They were not really on American soil so our actions did not come under constitutional scrutiny. Memorial Day weekend is always a time for gushy patriotic rhetoric...well we cannot have it both ways...we cannot profess to be the harbor of democracy and decency but behave like medieval thugs. The Bush administration was always on shaky legal ground with its enemy combatant designation and created a cause celebre for those who wanted to find fault with the United States. The Republicans who are saying that the Obama Administration wants to bring the Guantanamo prisoners into the US and set them free and give them money is absolutely ridiculous. What person in their right mind would believe this? I can assure you there are minions repeating this just because they heard it from Rush, Sean, or some other wingnut. They do not think, they parrot. Why couldn't the US prison system "hold" these individuals? Charles Manson is not running around free.

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