Thursday, May 7, 2009

Things are busy in the "Pitt"

Well the LBTD referendum passed with a 65% majority...and you thought we had moved to the sticks. I expect restaurants and bars to open up like crazy.

Katrina and I walked "downtown" the other day and met a couple with a dog so natch we stopped to talk. Pat and Welford had moved to Pboro about 8 months ago and live in a neat house up on Salisbury Street. I remarked that I had seen people there doing work when we moved here, "We bought the house from the Squirrel Nut Zippers" Pat said "Have you heard of them?" "The Squirrel Nut Zippers!!!" I responded, "Sure!" I had no idea that such famous people lived right here in the "Pitt".

Mr. Thomas of "Bottle House" fame has redone his junk. Those of you who have had the privilege of seeing this will be shocked and surprised. He has rearranged much of the junk and has started a bottle exhibit across the street...such an improvement for Firetower Road!

The backyard is really coming along and I will post some pics when more things bloom.

The man next door has cleaned up his front yard and there are NO pots in the driveway!!!!! But the back remains a disaster.

The little wren that has nested on our deck has laid eggs and she is sitting on them at all times. Katrina is very interested in what is going on in the planter...yikes!

So you see we are quite busy here in the "Pitt" with all this activity.

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