Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Pittsboro Police Report

Every week (not day) the Chatham Record (newspaper) comes out. The police report for Pittsboro today contains the following entries:

"Damage to property was reported May 9 at the McDonald's in Pittsboro when someone struck the drive-thru post causing an estimated $1,ooo in damage. Officer Donna Meyers responded that the case is considered closed."

"There was a report of larceny May 7 at Andy's Cheeseburgers on East Street in Pittsboro. Someone allegedly left without paying for a cheeseburger meal valued at $5.33."

" There was a report of criminal damage to property on May 9 at a Kangaroo Station in Pittsboro when someone reportedly bled on bags of ice valued at $16.35. Officer Donna Meyers investigated but the case is closed."

Now if you don't think this is a rockin' place then I just don't know what is.

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