Tuesday, June 23, 2009


When George W Bush was President it was a mortal sin to criticize the President especially when it came to delicate foreign policy issues. That seems to have changed dramatically of late. Republicans harp on an hourly basis that Obama is not being forceful enough in condemning the Iranian government. Obama has indicated that the path taken by those who support the announced outcome of the election is unconscionable, but he has not grabbed a microphone and screamed "bomb, bomb, bomb Iran". Perhaps a little history will help...The US being fearful that the USSR after WWII would attempt to "take" oil fields in Iran and spread their "commie cooties", orchestrated a coup to overthrow an ELECTED government and place the Shah in power. The Shah was pro US and would do our bidding as long as we kept him in power. While he was in power (until 1979) he did many nasty dictatorial things which led to the Islamist revolution in 1979. Do we think the Iranians have forgotten this? (Saxby Chambliss does) Then there is the Iran-Iraq War...we gave Saddam Hussein weapons during that war and guess where the WMD came from to gas Iranian soldiers? Do we think the Iranians have forgotten this? There is a long and complicated history of our involvement in the Middle East and the relationships we have with these counties are complex to say the least. The President must walk a very fine line and to have fellow Americans all over the media blasting him is not productive. We went into Iraq with bravado and swords swinging without careful consideration and look where it got us.

1 comment:

Ann Brinkley Designs said...

You write about Iran but not about Louise? She is a member of your FAMILY now. You need to reassess your blogging priorities.