Monday, June 1, 2009

Step aside Newt...we have all moved on.

I must relate a Newt Gingrich story so it will not get lost. It is so typical of the hypocrisy that this man lives with.

1992 Milton High School Alpharetta Georgia...I was teaching an elective class to seniors that covered the national, state, and local elections. I had been doing this every four years since 1980 and each time I tried to invite as many candidates to speak as would come. Milton HS is in the 6th Congressional district of Georgia and the Representative was none other than Newt. An invitation was extended to his office for him to come speak to the classes whenever it was convenient for him. Tony Blankley was the person in Newt's office we always spoke with and he was never quite sure when the congressman would be able to come. One Friday morning I found a message in my mailbox from Blankley that Newt's schedule was just too busy and he would not be able to speak to the students. That evening at a family gathering I related that we had been told Newt was too busy to sister-in-law chimed in that that was funny because just that morning she had contacted his office and he gladly agreed to speak to the Cobb County Realtors (who gave him large amounts of money). Kristy (sil) was furious, contacted a realtor who campaigned for Gingrich to complain that he had no time for serious students. Funny thing, on Monday when I got to school there was a message in my mailbox indicating that Congressman Gingrich would be glad to come speak with students...funny how money works.

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