Friday, October 9, 2009

Things are always happening!

The political intrigue of the"Pitt" continues...The Mayoral election is underway and like Pittsboro in general there is no middle ground, Randy Voller v Bill Crawford. Very few people seem to know much about Crawford and he did not show up for a candidate forum held the other night by the League of Women Voters. He too lives in our neighborhood but I have never seen him. The issues are many and very complex. Actually there are important issues...the "Pitt" water is suspect, there are strange dwellings around town, local merchants need support, and there is that strange smell that keeps coming back over on the other side of town. There are many who will vote for Crawford simply because he is a Republican and they despise Voller, but I have no idea who will win. Will keep you posted; I know you will be sitting on the edge of your seats come election night.

When given a choice the "Pitt" deer love guessed it, no flowers in my backyard. They neatly nibble every little flower leaving all the plants with nubs. Gotta love em.

We have 4, count them, 4 pending sales!!!!!

They have paved Thompson Street (home to the Wash & Fold) so when you come to visit you no longer have to avoid pot holes.

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