Friday, October 30, 2009

This is Millie rebutting!

I cannot believe Katrina is acting like she does not like me. After all how could anyone not think that I am the cutest thing on 4 legs!!!! I am trying my best not to be a pest, but I just can't help myself. I am going outside to "potty" as my mother calls the way Mom where the heck are you? I do like the fact that I am not stuck in that stupid crate all the time, but I sure do miss you. Mom, I want you to know that I am particularly fond of those rag rugs in Pat and Jane's bathroom, but Jane keeps yelling at me every time I try to rip the fun little rag things out by their roots. Can't you speak to her and convince her that I should be able to tear them to sheds, they ARE ugly anyway...don't you think? I found this cool thing attached to a suitcase under the bed and Jane was upset at first but then she let me play with it...I do win some of these battles. I think if I start chewing on the leg of the bed I will die so I will be good but the temptation is really great. My bitting is getting better, but Mom, do you think I was supposed to be a crocodile? Jane is doing a great job of breaking me of this terrible habit but as you know I just can't help myself.

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