Friday, October 30, 2009

This is Katrina speaking!!!!!!!!! docile existence has been shattered by a wild puppy who will not leave me alone. Brinkley came last weekend and I was very glad to see her, but she brought Millie, her lab puppy, and left her here. Just to give you an example of what my life has become...Jane and I are calmly sitting on the couch which is our usual morning routine...she drinks her coffee and reads and I just relish the moment. But no more. Millie is out on the deck doing something that is causing a great deal of noise and this makes Jane crazy causing her to scream and keep getting up. Now she is pulling lamp cords out of the socket. I have retreated to the back of Pat and Jane's closet at night so she cannot get to me. She sleeps in her crate but I know it is only a matter of time before she figures out how to open it...she does appear quite bright. She tries to eat my food, she bites my ears, she doesn't share her toys. I am paying more attention to Pat and Jane hoping this will keep them on my side; for example, when they came home last night I was all over them with kisses and I acted like I had not seen them in a month, and it worked. I got to be on the couch. But natch the Millster was right up there too. I let her put half her body across my neck just so she would stop moving around like a snake on crack. Such is my life now.

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