Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Did I hear a big thud last night?

"We've got trouble, right here in River City"; but not in the "Pitt"...Randy Voller won reelection as mayor of Pittsboro. The Republican opposition was weak to say the least and people who cast their vote in his direction were most likely voting against Randy just because he is Randy.

Is the country shifting right? No! Those on the far right are deluding themselves and will be very surprised when the next "go round comes round". The Democratic candidate in Virginia ran a ghastly campaign and was a poor choice; Corzine in NJ had baggage; the defeat was all about Corzine. Those who are contending that these two races were a referendum on Obama are off base. NY 23 is probably more indicative of the country than most of the races last night. A moderate Democrat defeating a wingnut conservative in a Republican district that went for Obama. The electorate is in flux and cannot be easily explained.

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