Thursday, November 19, 2009

The person who answers the phone at Secretary of Defense Gates' office is really nice!

I am very upset that Sarah Palin is being allowed to appear at Ft Hood and Ft Bragg to sell her book. She has called the Commander in Chief a terrorist, she has criticised the people at Ft Hood about being more concerned about political correctness than the safety of the Post. This is not a matter of free speech....there is no free speech on a military installation. If you think there is, go to one and try to give a speech calling the President a terrorist.

I phoned the Department of Defense and when prompted to say who I wished to speak with, I paused and my brain said "what the heck", I replied, "Robert Gates". A voice answered Robert Gates office. Yikes! So I explained why I had called, the wonderful person told me that my concern would be given to Secretary Gates. Maybe it will not, but it made me feel better.

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