Thursday, November 12, 2009

Heroines of the right

Carrie Prejean, Sarah Palin, and Michele Bachmann have become the female face of the right. How unfortunate for a political party that has, since its inception in the mid 1800's, seen talented, hardworking women make up a significant portion of its ranks. Women have been the backbone of the Party by filling the ranks of state and local committees and bringing unmatched organizational skills. It has always seemed ironic that the Democrats championed the rights of women but the Republicans gave them real power. Until 20 years ago there were as many Republican women serving in Congress as Democrats. For some strange reason the Republican Party of late has decided to embrace women who may look good, but are pure fools.

Sarah Palin will not appear on any live show. She will not allow any journalists, cell phones, cameras, recording devices, or anything that may actually provide a record of her performance brought into her appearances. She has given "speeches" in secret.

Carrie Prejean is glad to speak with Fox as long as people like Sean Hannity fall all over themselves to be really nice to her, but when Larry King actually asked her a question and had the nerve to invite callers to ask her questions as he does every night), she took off her microphone and threatened to leave the show. After making the threat she just sat there and continued to harp about Larry being inappropriate. She said "Larry, you're being inappropriate: about five times as if he were a small child saying a cuss word in church. Her behavior was childlike.

Michele Bachmann, unlike the other two, is everywhere making statements that make one shudder. She follows the press around trying to get on every news program. No one evidently has the nerve to tell her that her diatribes are ridiculous and that she might want to actually read the Constitution.

Bill O'Reilly has often made the point that the Left hates these women because they are nice looking...REALLY. These three women are ill informed. They have little historical or political perspective to make rational judgements regarding the serious issues facing our country. They repeat the conservative taxes, no government, no abortion, no gay rights. Beyond that there is nothing. There are many Republican women who should stand up and demand that these three be subjected to real questions, real scrutiny, REALITY.

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