Thursday, November 18, 2010

A Connecticut Yankee in King Roy's Court....

We attended a realtor event last night and Lennie Rosenbluth was there! Who the heck is that you say...Well he played for the Tar Heels on the 1957 NCAA Championship Team coached by Frank McGuire, and he is at least a 100 (not really, but close). His wife must be a realtor.

Well, when the event was over everyone went to the bar to continue...whatever. Several of us began talking with a man at the bar who was from, you guessed it, Connecticut. Naturally the conversation turned to basketball and of course he had to confess that he was a UConn fan. After the booing subsided our broker, Randy, informed him that we (Pat and me) were got a little confusing at this point because I had just said how lovely Connecticut was...The man asked me if we were alumni...I'm thinking, huh? I went on to say, "No just him", pointing to this point the man said, "And New Haven is a really nice place too". I agreed, but was quite confused. "When did he", pointing to Pat, "Graduate from Yale"? "Yale"? I said, thinking where in the heck did Yale come from. "Yeah, Yale Bulldogs". "Oh no, Georgia Bulldogs" I said. The man looked puzzled as though he had never heard of the Georgia Bulldogs. If that doesn't put things in perspective, I don't know what does.

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