Sunday, November 14, 2010

News from the Pitt

I know there are those of you out there who are just dying to know the news from Pittsboro. Well, let's see...The Neighborhood School/Pizza Takeout has morphed into an Italian Restaurant, Bella Donna's. I think the little school is still there too. We have ordered takeout and it was really good. We missed the Street Fair this year because we were in Atlanta, but understand it was as good as ever. They have put a temporary roof on the Courthouse and taken down the scaffolding. It looks a little bit better. The county is still deciding what to do. A Japanese takeout is going to open soon and most are very excited. (there are very few fast food places)

The political situation is grim, at least from my standpoint. The Dems lost all contested seats on the county commission, and Bob Etheridge is behind in the vote for the 2nd District Congressional seat. There will be a recount but it does not look good for Bob. So much for the Blue State euphoria I have been in for the past two years.

Katrina and I made a pledge on this blog back in January that we were getting in shape....well we have persevered. We can count on one hand/paw the number of times we have not exercised. Walking became "wogging", and now we are jogging! Four Miles! Many (maybe 70) pounds have been left on Pitt asphalt. We are not finished, 15 more pounds!!! This could explain the lack of posts...too tired.

Pat ran the car, aka Shamu, into a pole of some sort last Sunday and smashed the entire front. He blamed it on the sun. Good thing we have good insurance.

Our homeowners association is at it again; war has been declared on solar panels. Since we have all been transported back to the 19th Century we must remember that energy conservation does not exist.

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