Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My First Game in the Dean Dome!

TARHEELS v Kentucky. Can you tell that we were on the very back row, in the highest seats? Great view and you could stand up the entire game and lean against the wall. Tarheels won and it was great to see them play in person. Thanks Bruz! The people around us were very spirited (thin air) and did all the Carolina things, like spelling Carolina with their arms. It must take at least a 1250 (or whatever the new score would be) on the SAT to be able to do that so fast.

Hansborough did not play, but he looked cute on the bench all in black. (actually a black speck from my vantage point). The other Tyler broke his wrist and is out for the season. One of those mean Kentucky boys did something bad to was under the goal at the opposite end of our perch so I am not sure what the bad boy actually did. The Dean Dome erupted into a very loud chorus of boos reminisent of the boos heard when the bad Duke boy hurt Tyler the elder. Kentucky used to be one of my favorite teams but after I watched Glory Road they dropped off the list. If you haven't seen the movie watch it, you too will not like Kentucky. The team that beat them in the NCAA finals is today UTEP. They just might end up on my list.

I am almost ready to make my predictions for the sweet 16...I know some of you cannot wait.

1 comment:

CKJurick said...

Hey, we're coming to the GA-Tech vs UNC game on Feb. 28. We'll be the only Tech people with the "Family" we are going with.... All 55 of them. We'll talk soon.Love CJ