Wednesday, November 19, 2008

General Musings

There were snow flurries in the Pitt yesterday and it is really cold. I can hear the fleas and mosquitoes dying a painful, freezing death...goodbye until the Spring.

Retired teachers in Georgia won a battle. We get to keep our COLA and our benefit will not be decreased 3% a year! If you know a teacher that you care about write, call, or email Sonny Perdue and tell him how important it is to keep these benefits in place. We all worked too hard and cared about the kids we taught so much. Please do not forget us. Keep up the good work, Judy.

Alaska has a Democratic Senator! That door slammed shut for Sarah Palin. Still watching Missouri ( has not been called), and Senate races in Georgia and Minnesota. Bill Clinton was campaigning for Jim Martin in GA. today, but I understand from Jim Galloway's (a former student of mine) blog in the AJC that he was very late and people froze while waiting. So Bill Clinton. I still think Charmless (spell check you know, try it) can be defeated. People just have to VOTE and make sure the shrew who is sec of state counts all of the ballots including all that are cast south of I 20.

oops they HAVE called Missouri for goes the nation. I guess the country has gone back to 1956.

Our front yard was filled with deer when I came home from the Homeowners Board meeting tonight. I tried to get my camera out fast enough to get a picture...they did stand there for awhile looking at me, but by the time I found the camera and turned it on they naturally ran. It was as if they were taunting me...contort your body into a bizarre position reaching for the camera and groping around trying to get it turned on....getting the window down...focusing...(all in the dark mind you), now everyone run. I have seen these stories on TV about deer getting into people's homes and going crazy. I expect a knock on the door one day and a herd to come roaring in. Perhaps we could employ some of them on Christmas eve to be reindeer and scare Brinkley and Emily. We worked so hard when they were little to make them believe Santa and the reindeer had come, and all we had to do was move to the Pitt.

Speaking of the Homeowners Board meeting...OMG

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