Saturday, November 22, 2008

Goodwin is good

Many years ago I read a biography of Lyndon Johnson written by Doris Kearns Goodwin. I believe it was the first after he left office. I was intrigued because it was a psycho-history of sorts. Doris (I feel that I can call her by her first name because Emily and I met her at breakfast in Concord Mass. one morning) had been a White House Fellow (not to be confused with intern) during Johnson's administration. She explained that she disliked LBJ and his misguided Vietnam policy but found him complex and interesting when she spent time on HIS ranch in Texas preparing for the book. I followed her career slogging through all aspects of FDR and Eleanor. I always recommended that students read her as she seemed to capture the "real" person and I felt she had a deep understanding for the topic she was writing about. It was very upsetting when she was accused of plagiarism or whatever...I cannot remember the exact circumstances, and was shunned by the media even PBS. Naturally I felt that this was part of the vast right wing conspiracy and continued to admire her work. Brinkley and I went to hear her lecture in Atlanta where she briefly addressed the scandal explaining her side which I accepted. Two years ago she published Team of Rivals dealing with Lincoln's Presidency. The main theme is that Lincoln surrounded himself with his political rivals when he became President in 1861. This takes a strong, confident individual; one who seeks opinions from all points of view. Now this concept may seem foreign as the current President wouldn't think about seeking advice from anyone that did not see the world as he does. Emily gave me the book and I read it with excitment because I love Lincoln. Now the book and Doris are in the limelight. She has been welcomed back into "pundit world" and can now be seen at any time of the day on various channels. Obama, who loves Lincoln, read the book and according to some is using it as a blueprint for constructing his administration. OMG I get chills when I think about all the historical things happening here. (I'm sure you all know what they are). One of Lincoln's most ardent enemies, William Seward , was expected to get the Republican nomination in 1860 adamantly opposed Abe even calling him an "ape" in public and did all sorts of nasty things behind his back (Lincoln's back that is). "Higher law" Seward they called him...God's law had already banned slavery and God's law would prevail. Lincoln appointed Seward as Secretary of State. Seward went on to purchase Alaska. Notice that I have not mentioned those two women.

I just realized that it is November 22nd. There was a time when every one paused and gave great thought to the date and the events of 1963. As time has passed we treat the day as any other. However, November 22nd still causes people my age to shudder a bit. Fifth period PE class, sitting on the floor of the gym, Fayetteville Senior High School, Fayetteville North Carolina, 1963....voice on intercom informs the school that the President of the United States has been shot in Dallas Texas.....a bit later the intercom informs us that the President has died. I do not remember a person speaking as I went through the halls to 6th period.

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