Thursday, August 20, 2009

it's an interesting day in the neighborhood... paraphrase a famous television personality. My "Pitt" neighborhood is very different from the rather homogeneous one in East Cobb. Having walked almost everyday with my trusty Katrina down every street I can size up this eclectic development.

There are political and cultural extremes. The right-wing conservatives with their perfectly manicured lawns who fence off their lawns with crime scene tape on Halloween to force little children to use the driveway, to the leftover hippies who never cut the grass (unless its grass) and park very old and battered cars on the street. I have made it a point to converse with both and if I happen upon people from both groups in the same day I experience a rather schizophrenic moment.

I have come across Asians, Blacks, Hispanics; elderly, young, middle aged; retired, working, existing; married, single, gay. Just on our street there are people from New York, France, Maryland, Indiana, Illinois, Texas, and of course NC. There is a guy whose parents live in Alpharetta. There are husbands who are stay-at-home Dads (alot of them). It seems that many people work at UNC and Duke hospitals. There are professors, writers, a church music director, computer people, teachers, a principal, an editor for a tax publication, a policeman, a school bus driver, a couple of builders, real estate agents (beside us), farmers, the mayor and several city councilmen. And these are the people I have met.

Very few people put their cars in the garage. This seems to be everywhere. There are BMW's, Volvos, Toyotas, alot of American cars, Lexuses (whatever the plural is), a mercedes or two, a porsch, a corvette, many pickup trucks of all sizes, but the greatest number of cars seem to be Hondas. Like the people, the cars are varied.

It seems that every house has a dog or dogs. Some are nice and some are very agressive. You name a dog breed and it lives here. Katrina is very selective in the dogs she will speak to. Her favorites are Spike and Salem an adorable Pug that lives across the street. I am not sure what kind of dog Spike is.

There is a handicapped women that lives by herself and can often be seen "walking" her dog in her wheelchair. The 97 year old man who lives with his daughter rides his 3-wheeled bike every day and always has a cheery hello. Do not think that everyone is pleasant...there is a person who will not speak. She lives with her mother and is a "Christian"...I know this because she has John 3:16 plastered on the back of her car and bumper stickers lauding the family values of sarah palin.

There are several foreclosures and houses on the market for $869,000, $499.000, $400,000 $349,000, $329,000, $275,000, $179,000.

What can I say, its just sooooo interesting.

And oh by the way, Archie's daughter is fine.

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