Sunday, August 16, 2009

"scuse me while I kiss the sky"

Everyone who was alive 40 years ago today has some sort of Woodstock story real or imagined. My recollection is most likely the most common...I almost went. Carolyn, Stevie, and I am not sure who else were sitting in the "parlor" of the Alpha Xi house at ECU several days before (the picture is so Woodstock). Someone, maybe Stevie, said there was a music festival in New York and we should all take a roadtrip....thinking went on but it was decided that it was too far. Oh well we coulda been there.

Who else was there Carolyn? If we had gone would we have turned around?

1 comment:

CKJurick said...

It was just us as I remember. I said I couldn't go if we didn't have a place to stay. I don't think there was a place to stay!!!!!HA!