Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Wednesday morning in the "Pitt"

It is soooo humid, but Katrina and I do not mind because the weather this summer has been wonderful considering the geography. While we were walking NPR reported that Archie has proposed to Veronica after all these years. Naturally Betty is very upset and has said so on her blog. We all knew that money and beauty would win out over "the girl next door". Will Veronica accept is the question.

August is becoming a "suburb of September" says NPR. (I love it) August used to be the month of doing nothing...schools did not start until after Labor Day, there was no news, everyone was on vacation. But no more.

We ran into our friend Archie (not of comic book fame) on his way to the Food Lion. Bad news is that his daughter had just been in an automobile accident on 87. Hopefully all will be well.

The magazine 15/501 has designated Pittsboro "a hotbed of rural charm". I do not think I can comment.

I am paying attention to the hurricane Bill as it works its way to the west. If it were to hit the coast just think of the weather reports....wild Bill slams into the coast of North Carolina.

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