Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Blog backup.....burp

THE Season has begun and there is just too much activity in the "Pitt" and environs to keep the blog updated.

Emily was inducted into Phi Beta Kappa. It was a lovely ceremony and reception. The speaker was Dr. Oliver Smithie winner of the Nobel Prize for something to do with DNA...Emily explained it to me and said "don't you remember when you did an experiment in high school showing bla bla, guish meh ya ha?" Emily, I replied they didn't know about DNA when I was in high school. She just stared at me with an amazed expression. Dr. Smithie was adorable and a real inspiration.

Millie, Brinkley's supposed dog, is still with us. Katrina is fit to be tied because she was sure Millie was leaving after Thanksgiving. The Millster is really a great pup and has to date eaten no furniture. The yard is a different story, but I have given up. I just told Millie to go give Katrina a kiss, she did...Katrina's response, grrrrrrrr.

We have made our home tacky once again for the season and we love it!!!!! We went to a farm this year to get the tree and it is quite large. (we had to fight the Rockefeller Center people off). If you have ever given us an ornament you can be sure it is on this monstrosity. We took the dogs with us and that will be the end of that.

I wondered today as I motored down the 15/501 how all the dead dear end up on the median. Do they just automatically say to themselves "I've been hit by a car, get on the median." It's that time of the year again...dear running wild. We have put our pumpkins out in the woods for the darlings but they evidently do not care for them. Big orange lumps just sitting in the woods....looks like something from outer space, and definitely does not go with the Christmas decor.

The Food Lion has stocked up for the holidays...cans of green beans that are so large they would feed an army. I have never seen a can of anything so big. Many more types of Little Debbie products than usual and marshmallow cream coming out the wazoo.

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