Monday, December 7, 2009

First Sunday

On the first Sunday of every month Pittsboro has a street fair. The shops are all open and craft people sell their wares on the street. Many knitted scarfs and hat sets offered yesterday. This past Sunday was a bit different because the Chatham Arts Studio Tour was taking place AND the annual Christmas Parade. The "Pitt"was the place to be! I must report on the was a parade like you have never seen. Pat and I were surprised that crowds were setting up chairs along the route as early as 1:30 for a 3:00 start. How did we miss this last year we wondered; it is huge for Pittsboro. The parade began with the city officials throwing candy at the crowd, followed by the local high school band, and fire trucks from every municipality in the county. Moving equipment from the NC Forest Service seemed a bit out of place in a Christmas Parade but I can assure you it was downhill from there. The Mustang Club was the strangest entry....many (30 or 40) cars that were supposed to be Mustangs, but all weren't, came by revving their engines and displaying no signs of the season. Inexplicable, random people and vehicles continued to pass. A local real estate company had the only REAL float and the Pittsboro Elementary School classes came by on flatbeds which was cute. I have to say it was the weirdest parade I have ever to follow.

The Chatham Arts Studio Tour was a different story!!!! there are fabulous artisans all over the area. we only got to one yesterday, Mark Hewitt a potter. We had heard about him when we visited the Seagrove Potters last year and were glad to finally get to his place. The setting is gorgeous and his work is as well. We purchased a piece and got to speak with Mark.

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