Thursday, December 3, 2009

There is a post in my head about Obama but I get so depressed when I start to it will have to wait.

Meanwhile the ACC is not faring so well against the Big 10. Somebody must have put something in Clemson's Gatorade, they looked like a high school team at the end. But at least UNC beat Michigan State (again). Like I said, Michigan State should not have been #1. Bama v Florida will be exciting this weekend...roll Tide!!! (speaking of football) Are you going Brink? I am looking forward to Florida going down. I will never get over 2000...hate Florida.

Speaking of martinis, there must be a mea culpa speech that arrogant, asshole men can download and release to the public when the National Enquirer reports their obsession with women who have pumped their lips, boobs, and butts with collagen. They all say the same would be nice if one of them would come up with something a little different. Do these man children think that no one is going to find out and report it? This has become a business for the collegen endowed girls gone wild. John Edwards was at the UNC game the other night with Elizabeth.

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