Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy Y2K10!!!!

Here in the "Pitt" the Food Lion is out of black eyed peas and that is about all the world can take on this New Year's Eve.

I don't know what to say about 2009 except that I am glad it will be leaving us in a few hours. We have had a great time in our new world and getting to know new people but 2010 has a very good ring to it. We have spent many wild and raucous New Years' Eves but 2000 is one of my favorites. We got all dressed up, Pat in his tux and me in my favorite black dress of all time. We started watching the new year arrive in Sydney and moving west...Hong Kong, Paris was fabulous...London amazing. We were there (at least in our minds). It was a Dom Perignon night. We got all of our neighbors to come out and celebrate. 2000 seems so long ago and at the time seemed to hold so much promise, but the last decade has been a very strange one for the world. Perhaps we have been adjusting for the last 10 years and the real millennium begins at midnight.

Happy, Happy New Year to everyone and as usual be careful my wonderful Brinkley and Emily.

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