Monday, February 15, 2010

Bye Bayh!

Evan Bayh has announced that he will not seek a third term in the Senate. Babbling heads on TV are making this sound like the death of the Democratic Party. I say see ya! Bayh is THE most BORING politician since John Quincy Adams (though he, John Q, did swim naked in the Potomac.) Evan seems to have been the perennial middle of the mush politician to be on every short list of every office known to man...but never picked. He opens his mouth and the audience nods and snores.

His father Birch, was a casualty of the 1980 conservative onslaught bringing about the defeat of the most liberal Democrats in the Senate. It was the beginning of the end for the progressive movement. These liberals were not prepared for the onslaught of the slash and burn campaigns that would become the norm for the Right. The Republicans took control of the Senate for the first time since 1954. Gaylord Nelson, Frank Church, George McGovern, Warren Magnuson, Frank Culver and Bayh all went down to defeat. The campaigns were riddled with slander and innuendo. I sat in shock in our little condo in Atlanta watching this happen...even Herman Talmadge of Georgia was defeated (NBC had declared him the winner very early in the evening).

You would think that Evan would have wanted to fight the mean and nasty people who had defeated his Dad...but no, he has not stood up to the thugs from the right and now he caves. Find a good progressive to run against whoever the Repubs put up....I wonder if Mike Pence will take back his announcement that he won't run for the seat.

follow up....Does Bayh want to run for President on the Republican ticket? Certainly sounds like it to me. it would be a real race for the dullest of the dull with Romney.

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