Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Remember 1998?

In 1998 following the impeachment of Bill Clinton and the "trial" in the Senate the conventional wisdom was that the Dems were going to be taken to the cleaners in the off-year elections. It was going to be a blood bath. Democrats were jumping ship and it seemed the end of the party of Jefferson and Jackson was eminent. Guess what, it did not happen...Democrats GAINED seats in the Congress and Clinton's poll ratings went up!!!!!! Get ready for a repeat. There are people who are paying attention and realize that the party of NO (aka republicans) has become ridiculous. I am following Nate Silver and though he is not as optomistic as I am, he is not digging the grave of the Democratic Party. Next November people will go to the polls and vote against these "nattering nabobs of negativism".

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