Sunday, February 7, 2010

WHO DAT!!!!!

I have not cared about professional football in years....since we had season tickets to the Falcons a couple of years in the early 80's. And I must admit that I did not care about or follow the games this season. But the Saints have brought real life drama and soul into the Super Bowl this year. New Orleans is a city that I love...I love the grit, the energy, the history, the music, the uniqueness, the river...everything. The Saints are New Orleans. The owner could have pulled the team out of the city after Katrina, but she didn't; she stayed and fought back. None of that "it's a business decision" rationalization. The city needed the team and the reward has come! I will be pulling for the New Orleans Saints today as if they were the Tarheels playing for the national championship (and we know that's not happening). New Orleans will celebrate whatever the outcome...anyone want to take a road trip?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm up for a road trip! Lets go!