Monday, February 15, 2010

an evening with the politicos

Here in Chatham County where politics is the favorite pastime there is always something going on. Tonight Pat and I went to the mayor's house for a fundraiser. The guest of honor was Bob Etheridge our Congressman. He is in a pretty tight race this year which is a bit unusual for him. He is a Democrat and most of the district is on the conservative side, so we know that before November he will be painted as a socialist, or a communist, or a Hitler lover...perhaps a martian. He is a very nice man and deserves to keep his seat. We will help!

It was a very interesting gathering. The Speaker of the NC House, Joe Hackney, as well as our state senator Bob Atwater were there. The most interesting person we met was a man who came up to us, introduced himself and we carried on a long conversation. His name was Bruce Ladd and he told us he had moved to Chapel Hill from DC. I of course asked him what he had done in DC. He told me he'd have to kill me if he told me... I was intrigued. Finally he said he had worked in the Nixon White House and for Donald Rumsfeld. I must have looked surprised because he explained that he had been very impressed with the Democrats in Chatham County when he moved here and that the Republicans seemed to be out of the picture. I googled him when we got home and found that he had written several books and had authored the Freedom of Information Act! He HAD worked for Rumsfeld when he was a congressman and had worked in the press office for Nixon. Considering that one of the books he has written is Crisis in Credibility, I would say he became skeptical about the US Government.

It was a great gathering and we are glad we were included.

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