Sunday, July 25, 2010

As I stood in the shadow of the United States Capitol witnessing the inauguration of Barack Obama I was sure we were entering a new era; an enlightened time. Things were going to change. I was not totally naive, I knew there would be those who would not accept a Black man as President, but I never dreamed that two years later we would be witnessing behavior and rhetoric reminiscent of the 1950's. If you are a White person and think you are being discriminated against or that Blacks are racists, why don't you try to imagine a member of your family being lynched with no judicial recourse. Why don't you try to imagine not being able to use a public restroom, send your children to a "White" school, stay in a hotel, get treatment in a hospital, eat in a restaurant, go to college, sit on a bus, vote, hold public office get a just about anything. Think about the fact that if you actually tried to do any of these things you would be beaten, arrested, maligned, fired, KILLED. Give me a break. Because your lazy son did not get into the "college of his dreams" it is not necessarily because a Black person took HIS PLACE. The right is always pointing out that life is not, life is not always fair. Racism is a real problem that our society needs to address in a mature manner...Mad Men's new season begins tonight against the backdrop of the murders of three civil rights workers in Mississippi in 1963. Tune in in case you forgot what REAL racism is.

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