Monday, July 19, 2010

Can't help myself.

I came to the conclusion sometime back in the winter that I would not write about Sarah Palin and deer again. Well, I can't stand it...there is too much pent up rogue rubbish and bambi bunk.

I think I have come to terms regarding deer in my garden. I see them as pruning rather than destroying. The mums that have returned from last Fall have been carefully nibbled on so that I have not had to worry about remembering to keep them cut back until the Fall comes again. See, isn't that a much more healthy attitude than wanting to trick them into going to the carnivore place on the edge of town? Katrina and I counted 35 of them the other day on our walk and about half were babies with little spots. The number has DOUBLED!!!!!! The funny man next door has placed motion sensitive devices along his fence that turn the radio on when something goes by. No problem, the radios are tuned to NPR so when they go on (and they do about 100 times a day) it's at least something interesting. I am sure that it is only a matter of time before there are hundreds of the darlings lined up along the fence to listen to "State of the Nation" and "All Things Considered".

The rogue one has been taken over by some powerful entity. This is quite disturbing because she is actually being controlled, scripted, and managed. There has always been a tendency in American politics for powerful forces to find a "front man" to place in power so that they can be controlled. Think William Henry Harrison, Franklin Pierce, William McKinley, Warren Harding, Calvin Coolidge, Ronald Reagan, and of course W. When Sarah endorsed Karen Handel in the Georgia Republican gubernatorial contest tomorrow, Handel's poll numbers surged.

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