Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Shirley Sherrod shafted

The right wing has once again made fools of themselves...and the lemmings have followed. Ms Sherrod has worked for the Agriculture Department in Georgia for more than 25 years. She made a speech before the NAACP earlier this year where she recounted an episode that took place 24 years ago. She spoke about a white farmer who came into her office seeking help to keep his farm. Shirley told how she felt the man had a rather "superior" attitude and she did not want to give him the maximum help at her disposal. She thought about all the Black farmers who had lost their land and resented it. This is where the right's coverage of this story ends....A Black racist in the Obama Agriculture Department. O'Reilly, Gingrich, Hannity, et al; "She must resign"! "She must be Fired"! Had these lunatics listened to the entire video they would have heard the point of the story she was telling the audience...her attitude had been wrong! She DID end up helping the family and realized that ANY racism was wrong...she had been wrong! This incident happened 24 years ago, not yesterday! The wife of this farmer has come forward today to say that Shirley Sherrod helped her family save their farm. Why are these people so mean? Why do they look only for the worst in people. It's the 21st Century for crying out loud.

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