Friday, July 16, 2010

Okay, okay.......the "Pitt" is back.

"Life in the Pitt" has been on vacay but is ready to return. There is no clear explanation for the absence. I suppose life in the Pitt was no longer a novelty and reality did not seem so interesting. What was I thinking?

The Chatham County Courthouse catching on fire, leaving a burned out shell in the middle of town, seems to be the point where "Life in the Pitt" was faced with a depressing reality. Why this fire was not quickly put out remains a mystery to me. It burned for almost 30 minutes before firetrucks arrived. This may be Pittsboro, but Chatham County has equipment. After all, there were a gazillion firetrucks and other equipment in the Christmas parade back in December. I loved this building. It was beautiful and as you drove into the "Pitt" from any direction it stood tall and proud in front of you. It took your attention away from the strange things that line the road. The town did pull together to support the businesses "downtown", and there is a commission looking into what will be done, but it makes me sad. The statue of the Confederate Soldier is still standing and many are concerned that it will be taken down...need I say more?! A woman crashed her car into the chain link fence that surrounds what is left which made news and there was speculation that the John Edwards' sex tape was in the courthouse ( no worry it wasn't), but that is about all the excitement to report.

"Life in the Pitt" goes on....

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