Saturday, October 15, 2011

Father's Day (an earlier post that refused publication)

Because we miss our babies desperately we journeyed half way across the country and back to spend the weekend with Em & Brink. It was to be a bit of a vaycay, but did not turn out that way. Our plan was to go to Asheville on Thursday, spend the day exploring, find an interesting hotel and leisurely explore the roads to Oxford Mississippi. Nope, didn't happen...we left Chapel Hill at 7:00 PM instead of AM and got to Asheville in the dark. Not much exploring. The two girls at the desk of the interesting hotel we selected suggested that we go to Southern, a place that had a late night menu. Okay, we thought that sounded good so off we went. Asheville at night is not a place that sees many people our age out on the street. We were not smoking pot and we did not have tattoos. Southern was interesting, but I can tell you that the girls that sent us were more than likely laughing. Little did they know that we fit in where ever we go, at least in our minds.
While in the lobby the next morning having coffee I met Amy Laura Hall, a divinity professor at Duke. I am not going into the details of our conversation (her life story) but she wants to start a church in a brewery in Durham...sounded interesting to me.
Off we went to Oxford a new way...I thought we were taking I40 through Knoxville and then follow the Natchez Trace, but NOOOOO. Pat suggested that we go another way through Nantahala and all the winding roads where you can go about 35 MPH. So sometime around 1 or 2 we were in CHATTANOOGA! that was not my plan. Look at a map, that's a long way from Oxford. Attempting to avoid Tupelo we got lost and drove through about a dozen little towns that no one in their right mind would ever go to. (sorry about ending the sentence with a preposition). A sign pointing the way to the Coon Dog Cemetery tells you alot about just where we were.  We did arrive and it was great to see Em and hear all the news. Shopping, meeting all the MTC people, having dinner, and getting to know Paul filled the day. Sunday we had breakfast at Big Bad Breakfast with Em to celebrate Fathers Day and then headed to Atlanta to have dinner with Brink. Pat was in heaven. Both girls in one day.

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