Monday, October 24, 2011

Please Mister Postman...

...look and see, if there's a letter in your bag for me. (think Marvelettes not Beatles OR the Carpenters!)

Article I, section 8, clause 7 of the United States Constitution calls for the establishment of Post Offices. It was the original intent of the Founders for the national government to ensure that all Americans would have access to mail delivery no matter where they live. The Postal System was not created by FDR or LBJ or a socialist cabal. Ben Franklin was the one who felt that without the means of communicating we could not develop into a viable democracy. So why all of a sudden have those on the right put the postal service on the chopping block along with every other thing in government meant to help the Americans who do not reside on the Upper East Side. PROFIT for UPS and FedEx perhaps. It might surprise people that FedEx and the Postal Service have a relationship. The USPS will deliver FedEx stuff to places where FedEx will not go (because it costs too much) and the USPS will bring to FedEx stuff from places only serviced by the USPS. Bet you didn't know that. A workable relationship between the government and the private sector that works for both AND serves the public.

There used to be a Post Office Department with a Post Master General who was a member of the President's Cabinet. During Nixon's term the Postal Service was created and became an independent agency under the auspices of the government. A Republican controlled Congress passed legislation requiring the USPS to prefund all retiree benefits. Think about what this means...UPS does not have to do this, nor does anyone else. This is the major reason the Postal Services is operating in the red.

I like the Post Office. My Dad worked for the Post Office when I was a little kid. Today I went to the post office in Chapel Hill to get stamps from the machine and it was not working correctly. A really nice postal employee came out to help everybody and stayed (even though his workday was over) until everything was fixed.

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