Friday, October 14, 2011

My life's work... under attack. Somewhere back in the bowels of high school I decided that I wanted to be a teacher. I am not sure why. I have distinct memories of the many classrooms I frequented from September 1962 to June 1965 and the day to day presence of adults who were charged with the very difficult duty of "teaching". Some were interesting, some were "cool", some should not have been there, several were cruel, and a few were inspiring. All of them taught me something, but the ones that I still remember were the ones who had passion...passion for their subject, and they were always engaged; they were part of the class, not directing the class. I wanted to avoid the ways of the worst and perfect the ways of the best. For 33 years the classroom was my world away from home. There was laughter, frustration, anger, enlightenment, and every other human emotion. It was hard every day. Futures were at stake.
Who are these people who have decided to "go after" teachers? Why have they put the profession at risk? Yes, there are those who should never darken the door of a school...but they CAN be gotten rid of. And, it's the public schools they are after not the private schools. Do they actually think all teachers in private schools are wonderful? Are they trying to rid our democracy of the great equalizer? Are they opening the way for private companies to make huge profits by bestowing grades? Well...maybe.

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