Friday, October 28, 2011

I feel like the person who only goes to church on Easter Sunday

If you read my post from 10/23 you know that I had given up on baseball and was ignoring the World Series. But...then the greatest game in modern baseball history happened, I missed it and had only the highlights to watch the day after. That's what I get for giving up and not having faith. Baseball I am soooo sorry. I am here watching the last game of the 2011 World Series but it will serve me right if the Cardinals bomb. It's okay if they do I'm back. Though I do feel like I am back with Bobby Cox and his ridiculous habit of keeping pitchers in until it was too late, but the Cards have just hit a home run and are ahead. Carpenter recovered and is doing well.
I am for the Cards because there is no way I would be for any team from Texas. Texas has given us Rick Perry and George W Bush, and they killed JFK. They are always threatening to secede from the union...go, I say, and do not come back. The Cardinals' fans are loyal and enthusiastic and part of the history of baseball.

I watched every minute and realized how much I enjoy the deliberate pace of the game; the concentration needed to know what is going on. The things I grew weary with about the game are still there, but I just need to do what my pal Harriett does and ignore them and focus on the experience.

Can't wait for Spring training..tsk, tsk.

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